Kate Bleazard

Global Head of Data, Consultancy, UK

Turning raw data into real business insight, Kate Bleazard is helping our business completely transform the way we work. Kate has an eye for understanding complex systems and finding data driven solutions for the most daunting of tasks. From dashboards to critical business decision-making, Kate is supporting Mace to redefine the boundaries of ambition in data management, process engineering and programme controls.

How did you get into what you do?

I started my career in banking for Santander, working in IT project management, financial and business reporting. In 2011 I left banking for a role in events management at the London Olympic Park, where Mace was the programme manager. Two years later I joined Mace to take on a data management role in Hong Kong. Since then I have worked on many client projects and led our project controls practice, and now I’m leading our Business Performance team.

What do you enjoy most about your current role at Mace?

I’ve always had a passion for using data to improve things and make them work better. What I enjoy most about my role is seeing radical improvements in delivery as a result of data insights that we generate. I also enjoy helping our teams work more efficiently as a result of processes we’re putting in place. It’s quite extraordinary to witness how complicated tasks that usually take a long time to resolve can happen in minutes due to data insight that we generated or a process automation that we designed.

How do you redefine the boundaries of ambition in your role?

I’m constantly looking for innovative and creative ways to deliver results and distinctive value for the business. I’m exploring the latest technologies to implement and transform the way we undertake tasks, monitor data and manage timelines. There is really no limit to the improvements and benefits we can offer to clients when we take a data first approach.

What skills do you need to be good at your job?

You need to be organised, good at data management and know how datasets fit together. Never underestimate the power of using Microsoft Excel effectively!
Communication is also central to what I do, helping to get teams on board with the processes we’re driving.

What are you passionate about outside of work?

I think communities are important and I volunteer for a village organisation which raises funds for local children to develop their sporting abilities. We also fund and cook an annual pensioners’ lunch to ensure we are including all generations in the community.

If you hadn't got into this line of work, what do you think you might be doing?

I always wanted to be a writer or a teacher but channelling my creativity into data insights is just as exciting. There’s definitely a place for creative minds in the data environment.

“There is really no limit to the improvements and benefits we can offer to clients when we take a data first approach.”
Kate Bleazard
Global Head of Data, Consultancy, UK